Pan-Roasted Mini Potatoes

 One of my favourite sides!

Ingredients for 4 servings (125 g potato side dish):

  • 600g mini potatoes (I use Dynamic Duo mini potatoes)
  • 1/2 tbsp olive oil
  • 10 g chives (about 2-3 tbsp)
  • 1 tsp garlic powder (or a couple of garlic cloves)
  • Suggested seasonings (1/2 tsp each): onion powder, parsley, oregano, rosemary, thyme, cayenne pepper

  1. Boil potatoes in a pot of water until they fall off a knife when inserted, let cool
  2. Cut potatoes in half or quarters, place in a container or large ziploc bag and shake with oil, chopped chives and other seasonings
  3. Set heat to medium-high and fry potatoes in a large frying pan until edges begin to get crispy and brown.
  4. Serve as a side with some ketchup and greek yogurt
Screen Shot 2015-07-16 at 3.18.08 PM  Screen Shot 2015-07-16 at 3.18.14 PM
  • Cutting suggestions: Use less oil or replace with cooking spray, do not use toppings
  • Bulking suggestions: Use more oil, add some parmesan, serve with sour cream, or just get yourself a larger portion

* I have shared this recipe on Calorie Counter for your useThe nutritional values might be different than what is displayed above, and that means I have made this meal again with slightly different weights/proportions. You should be able to modify it based on your own weights *


2 thoughts on “Pan-Roasted Mini Potatoes

  1. just have to run out and get garlic powder and I can make these, I love these posts, just simple and a reminder that I don’t need to eat out! haha thank you
    just started following you, I have a vegan recipe/lifestyle & Cruelty-free beauty Blog as well,
    so glad I found your blog & Happy to connect with you :)


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