Chocolate Chia Protein Pudding

You can make this the night before for a filling breakfast snack, or in the morning to combat your nighttime cravings. Either way, it’s one of my favorite ways to have my protein powder when I’m not in the mood for shakes.

Hint: remember that chia seeds absorb liquid, so take that into account when gauging whether your pudding will be too runny for your liking. It is obviously a matter of preference, but for reference my proportions give a reasonably thick result.

Ingredients (for 1 ramekin):

  • 10 g chia seeds (about 2.5 teaspoons)
  • 1/3 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 tsp unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 15 g protein powder (I combine 10g Leanfit Chocolate Whey with 5g Quest Multi-Purpose)
  • flavoring and sugar free sweeteners to taste (I prefer 1/2 tbsp stevia or erythritol and 1 tsp sugar free coffee-flavored or almond-flavored syrup)

  1. Add chia seeds, protein powder, cocoa powder and any non-liquid sweeteners to a small bowl and mix well
  2. Pour the almond milk and any sugar free syrup or sweetener(s) of choice into a 7-10 oz ramekin
  3. Add half of the dry mix to the ramekin, stir and add the rest of the mix
  4. Mix well, cover and place in fridge for at least 6-8 hours
  5. Stir well and serve/devour
  • Tip: if the pudding isn’t as thick as you would like by the time it’s served, add about 1/4 tsp xanthan gum or instant pudding mix and stir well for a minute or two.
  • Cutting suggestions: Remove some of the protein and a bit of the liquid to compensate
  • Bulking suggestions: Use regular milk, add 1/2 tsp coconut oil, sprinkle with crushed nuts or coconut shavings, use chocolate syrup or melted chocolate instead of cocoa powder

* I have shared this recipe on Calorie Counter for your useThe nutritional values might be different than what is displayed above, and that means I have made this meal again with slightly different weights/proportions. You should be able to modify it based on your own weights *

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