Russian Shuba Salad (“Herring Under Fur Coat”)

Yes, this is its ACTUAL color. We love our fancy layered salads. Funny story: my family has this salad at every celebration and get together, and I only started liking it this year. Definitely one of those tastes you learn to appreciate when you’re a little older! Ingredients for 1 serving (1/8 casserole dish): 3 packages kippered … More Russian Shuba Salad (“Herring Under Fur Coat”)

Russian Winter Salad

I don’t actually remember a holiday or family event when my family DIDN’T make winter salad. Even though we are probably gonna have a caterer for our wedding next year I’m pretty sure we’ll sneak the winter salad in somewhere anyways.  This salad is great to make for parties – it keeps well and can … More Russian Winter Salad