Chocolate Chia Protein Pudding

You can make this the night before for a filling breakfast snack, or in the morning to combat your nighttime cravings. Either way, it’s one of my favorite ways to have my protein powder when I’m not in the mood for shakes. Hint: remember that chia seeds absorb liquid, so take that into account when gauging … More Chocolate Chia Protein Pudding

Russian Shuba Salad (“Herring Under Fur Coat”)

Yes, this is its ACTUAL color. We love our fancy layered salads. Funny story: my family has this salad at every celebration and get together, and I only started liking it this year. Definitely one of those tastes you learn to appreciate when you’re a little older! Ingredients for 1 serving (1/8 casserole dish): 3 packages kippered … More Russian Shuba Salad (“Herring Under Fur Coat”)

Protein Coffee Cake

For people like me who can never get enough coffee-flavored desserts Ingredients (for one 8″ square loaf or 9 muffins): 50g white or whole wheat flour 50g almond meal/flour 25g protein powder 1 tsp baking soda 1/4 cup almond milk 1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce 1 egg 3 tbsp erythritol, stevia or another sweetener 2 tbsp brewed espresso 1 tbsp … More Protein Coffee Cake

Shirataki Noodle & Chicken Stir Fry

I was worried about using Shirataki noodles after hearing lots of people don’t like their smell/texture…. but this portion was HUGE, filling and most of all surprisingly delicious! Ingredients (for 1 bowl): 1 package yam shirataki noodles (I used House Foods Traditional Shirataki, 227g package) 60g diced chicken breast 75 g frozen vegetables of choice (I … More Shirataki Noodle & Chicken Stir Fry